Aktion im öffentlichen Raum: Wie kaum ein anderer weiß Rémi Gaillard seine Umwelt mit Happenings zu provozieren. – Bisweilen tut es weh – auch ihm selber. – Hier eine Auswahl:
Coming from outer space to disturb the peace of playing golf.
Imagine: You drive the car and you will kill litte worms and snails … .
Visit a store with friends to have big fun with customers and salesmen.
Different ways of sport in different places and with different consequences … .
Rémi Gaillard came to provocate in public space. Sometimes it hurts (also him). – See some tracks above.
Mehr über den Helden bei Wikipedia. Some info about the hero at Wikipedia.
At Youtube there are listed 87 clips at the moment – and this is his HOME!