After more than one month of online-Voting at the VELOBerlin Film Award today was the award ceremony at the bicycle fair VELOBerlin – see some pics at Facebook. – And, so, the winners are:
1st prize: THE MAN WHO LIVED ON HIS BIKE by Guillaume Blanchet from Canada
– winning a Bike – taz.rad worth € 1000
2nd prize: CAMILO GUITIERREZ AUTUM(N) by Irene Erlenbach from Germany
– winning an Ortlieb Voucher worth € 500
3rd prize: PAK BECAK by Mark Andersson from Indonesia
– winning a Mikili Kappô worth € 300
CONGRATULATION! – Thanks to the prize sponsors, thanks to the main sponsor Schwalbe, and warm greetings to the collegues of VELOBerlin: We had two fine and inspiring days and enjoyed the fair a lot!
Moderation Award Ceremony: interfilm collegue Christoph Schulz
Winners of the 2nd prize: Director Irene Rojas Erlenbach (left), Sponsor college Ortlieb (center) and bicycle dancer Camilo Gutierrez (right) from the film Camilo Gutierrez Autum(n)