interfilm Blog

1. Februar 2018
von interfilm
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interfilm: Oscar® Qualifying Festival!

Großes Kino 2018: Die Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles hat interfilm zum Academy Award® Qualifying Festival gekürt. Die Gewinnerfilme „Best Fiction“ und „Best Animation“ werden damit ab sofort automatisch im Rennen um den OSCAR® in den Kategorien „Live Action Short Film“ und „Animated Short Film“ berücksichtigt.- Also: jetzt Filme einreichen! – Mehr lesen

2018 kicks-off with a bang! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles has declared interfilm as an Academy Award® Qualifying Festival. As of now, winning films in the interfilm categories “Best Fiction” and “Best Animation” in the International Competition will automatically be considered to compete for an OSCAR® in the categories „Live Action Short“ and „Animated Short Film“. Naturally, all further ACADEMY AWARD® criteria must be met. – So, submit films now! – More

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